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To get started, let’s determine whether you’re an accredited investor.
Click each tab and answer the question. Then go to results!
Do you have an annual income of 200,000 (300,000 for joint income) in the last two years?
Steps For Accredited Investors
Start by using our investment calculator to determine an appropriate investment amount
Investment calculator
Financial advisors often recommend investing between 5-10% of funds into an alternative investment such as venture. Calculate what your 5-10% could be below!
Leverage our Values-Based Investing Tool to identify a company you’d like to invest in
We maintain a robust network of women-run companies. Search below to learn about venture firms that may be aligned with your values and could be great partners on your journey. Using our tool you can filter by values, industry, investment amount, and investment stage.
Make your investment
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More Resources For You
Take a class! Startups, Women, and Wealth: Getting Started with Angel & Venture Investing.
Get involved Invest for Better invites you to join a growing movement of women who are investing their values and creating a better world.
Convene, learn, and invest with Gratitude Railroad, a community-driven impact investment firm championing innovative businesses and diverse founders through an investment platform.
Learn more! She Raises Capital is an organization dedicated to reducing the funding gap for female founders.
The Flexible Capital Fund, L3C is a women-led impact investment fund and Community Development Financial Institution with over a decade of impact investing experience. We focus on food system, forestry and climate change solutions sectors. For more information visit our website or email Janice.
Values-Based Investing Tool